Through spirit-like images symbolising balance, harmony and equilibrium, this artwork reflects the notion of interconnectivity. Highlighting the delicate relationship between humanity and nature, the painting embodies collaboration and responsibility: the behavioural tools we need to address the ongoing climate emergency.
In accordance, the concept of co-creation emerges as a crucial paradigm in the field of design to prevent disasters. It involves a collaborative process and outcome of creation that can be enhanced when stakeholders from diverse backgrounds work together. For instance, the New European Bauhaus Initiative aims to transform unsustainable practices by building bridges across disciplines and encouraging participation at all levels. By leveraging diverse knowledge, the goal is to co-create a more equitable and environmentally conscious future. Initiatives like these are crucial in helping humanity move towards a more conscientious and responsible future that does not perpetuate the degradation of our ecosystems.
In terms of systems to work towards such an initiative, adopting a circular economy model in line with degrowth represents a promising solution. This approach aims to transform our current throwaway economy into one where resources are intentionally regenerated or restored through innovative and intentional design. Many experts view the adoption of a circular economy as the greatest opportunity in the last 250 years to reshape consumption and production practices. However, achieving circular solutions using traditional processes can be challenging. Therefore, it is suggested to involve stakeholders from inside and outside of a company to generate ideas and collaborate towards sustainable solutions.
Uniformly, a promising foundation to work towards degrowth and a circular economy, through co-creation, resides in the concept of a ‘multi-local society’. That through a distributed economy, enables the global to be constituted of a network of local systems that utilises to their best advantage what is available locally, leaving what cannot be produced locally to be exchanged. This would engender a simultaneously local and cosmopolitan society where "cosmopolitan" connotes diversity, as opposed to the sense of homogeneity implied by “global”. Localising logistics this way, would not only benefit the planet and ecosystems, but would also result in a more equitable economy, thereby promoting communal wealth.
We are firm believers that solutions to our climate crisis lies in collaboration and focus on communities. It’s time to move away from our individualistic views and positions, and start to reconnect and work together towards a more desirable future.